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Jessabelle Review

Jessabelle Review

Director: Kevin Greutert
Writer: Robert Ben Garant
Stars: Sarah Snook, Mark Webber, Joelle Carter

After losing her fiance in a car accident, grief-stricken Jessie (Sarah Snook) retreats to her father's rundown Louisiana mansion, where she finds a gift from her long-dead mother, and a spirit intent on killing her. She finds the tape and it revealed that Jessabelle will be killed.

I will say that Jessabelle tried to scare but was unsuccessful.. Other than a few jumps from sudden sounds and camera switches.. there is nothing that the movie really has to offer. The plot is interesting.. there is also a whole explanation about everything towards the end tying up loose ends.. The climax is a bit laughable and has been made just for the sake of it.. Supposed "ghost" that needed help turning on you?? Yeah anyway, the acting by the lead is decent. Obviously, in a horror flick there are no real opportunities for sublime acting but she was convincing. Nobody else has a significant part to play in the plot. I wouldn't call her eye candy but out tastes may differ. The cinematography is decent and the BGM fails to thrill. Overall, watchable.

Star Rating:
2.5 Stars


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